Ellensburg Glass Recycling Cooperative
Crushing it!
Want to experiment with our New Sand in architectural or structural concrete mixes?
Words of caution: This experiment ONLY tested for strength. There are many other factors involved in producing concrete. Please proceed with caution and get expert advice on how to add to this experiment.

Strength testing these "Mix Designs" resulted in:
The mixes were found to have PSI tests as follows respectively...
Standard 6163 PSI
25% reduction 5453 PSI
50% reduction 5377 PSI
Notice: a pozzolan called "Bottle Poz" was added to counteract Alkali-Silica Reaction.

Strength testing these "Mix Designs" conclusion:
This experiment found that replacing 25%-50% raw sand with New Sand could create strong results.
Considerations for future experiments:
Glass does not absorb water like raw sand.
​​Water/cement ratio is an important factor in strength of concrete.

ASTM Standards
ASTM is an organization that publishes standards for many different materials. On their website you will find hyperlinked tests that have been the ASTM certified. Once a procedure makes it to this list it is safe to assume an accepted result. This allows users confidence in knowing that it is a safe process to be duplicated.
There is a lot of information for non-container glass on this link, but there are many glass categories as well. Click the link below to find out more.