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ERGC Meeting Minutes

February 27, 2023 - 6 pm - 7:30 pm 

Attendees: Don Claypool, Don Soleburg, Mick Janke, Chris Lueck, Heather Trim, Jessica Williams, 
John Schmidt, Bernadette Jungblunt, Jim Wilson, Suzanne Noble, Suzanne Blakeney


  • EGRC has approximately $7500 in savings. We are using it for machine parts, insurance, donation to  IOOF in lieu of rent and reimbursement for contributions to the operations.

  • Heather Trim from Zero Waste Washington presented on the Washington Reduction and Packaging 

(WRAP) Legislation currently in committee in Olympia. This “systems changing” bill has a 4-year lead 
in time. There are 3 parts to the legislation – PART 1 - Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) where 
manufacturers pay to recycle which strongly incentivizes the manufacture to revamp (i.e., reduce) 
packaging. This has been happening in Europe since 1990 and in Canada since 2010. PART 2 –
Deposit/Return on all beverages up to one gallon (consumer pays fee at purchase and gets the fee back 
upon return) PART 3 – Post Consumer Recycling – Resin (i.e., plastic) must contain some recycled
content. For this plan to work new Materials Recycling Plants be built. There is a potential to develop 
a universal bottle like OBRC and could be profitable for distributors after 10 years. Improved 
collection systems is a universal desire. Opponents are concerned about how much space “empties” 
take and more motivated to recycle metals as they are more profitable.

  • Dan Claypool reports he is checking on the machine frequently. He is repairing screens proactively by 

weighing them – new the screens are 6 ½ lbs and then need repair at 4 lbs. The cost of metal needed to 
replace a screen is between $6-$10/screen. Since the screens are warping after repair – Don is planning
to use a hydraulic press return the screens to their proper shape. Don reports greasing the machine 
every 2000 hours. Don is tracking EGRC data with a spread sheet to better predict needed repairs. He 
believes the machine will last a long time if maintenance is done regularly.

website – Lacey is the WIX expert. Jessica is willing to train someone to work on the website and start 
a blog so answers to repetitive questions can be found through a search on the site.

  • Chris Lueck of BIG (Beverage Industry Glass) Recycling described how the hub and spoke collection 

system could begin working in SE Washington and hopefully spread to Yakima through a partnership 
with Basin Disposal Inc. The general concept involves monitored weekly collection of CLEAN (but 
labeled) beverage industry glass at the spokes. Regional aggregating of the CLEAN glass for shipping 
to west side bottle manufacturers who would pay a premium for CLEAN glass which would assist with 
the cost of operations. Further funding could be covered by service dues/subscriptions from the 
beverage industry participants. Chris will return to our April meeting to provide us updates on the 


The meeting participants agreed it is okay for experienced glass ambassadors to train other glass 
Please put the following dates on your calendar.
• Saturday April 1- 9:30 -11 AM WORK PARTY @ EGRC Shed
• Wednesday April 12 -12 Noon – Operations Tour @ EGRC Shed
• Monday April 17 - 6 -7 PM Member Meeting on Zoom
• Wednesday May 3 – All Day Glass Summit @DOEUnion Gap


Please note: Meeting was recorded and can be accessed at this address. You will need to enter the 
passcode which is provided below the link.
Passcode: 4Y+niF2i

Minutes prepared by Suzanne Nobl

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