Ellensburg Glass Recycling Cooperative
Crushing it!
ERGC Meeting Minutes
April 19, 2021 - 6 pm- 7:20 pm
Attendance: Dennis Wilson, Tami Dunlap, Michael Burtness, Arcelia Kent, Jim Cole, LeighAnn, Marte Falshore,
Christopher Hobbs, Suzanne Noble, Jack Carpenter, April Sheeley
Yakima: Rob Strader
April recapped March minutes from last month
People like google calendar
Dennis finds collecting from restaurants is unclean and takes a lot of manpower, but knows that is where large amounts of glass can be diverted. However, cost to restaurants is the same either way. Is looking for a way to quantify our service to them.
Tami drives to residents telling them to have glass outside ready at a certain time. Glass is cleaner. She puts in her email that cash donations can also be left out. She sometimes gets envelopes of cash or her people have donated on the web.
Suzanne asked for feedback on how to collect from businesses and what our focus should be.
Jim Cole found that Brix will not clean or hold glass for him to collect. He wonders if we can create a sticker to put on restaurant windows to show who recycles glass. Suzanne doesn’t like stickers, instead wants to spray logo on window.
Restaurants create a lot of glass and our machine does not hold up to the immense amount of crushing, but publicity and diversion of glass from restaurants is important.
Suzanne brought up that we could promote them on our website and facebook page
Dennis wants to collect glass at Farmers Market
Arcelia-engage as art and crafts not as collection of jars
Jack wants us to think about economics. Whatever will bring in money is what we should do. We need parts as the screen wore out in 1 month, $250 plus shipping to replace. Plus insurance, other parts, garage doors, sifting machine. This months donations $140
April discussed stakeholder meeting(April)
CWU, grant, yakima, solid waste, HDR
4 glass leads-2 construction 1 wine bottle sanitation, 1 specialty glass
Can we help? Possibly help develop sturdy bottles like OGRC
April estimates 4 households are served by 87 ambassadors 347.
Some businesses Mule, Basalt, Gard, Time Out,
A subcommittee was formed to start a booth at farmers market
April will send invite to everyone interested Form a committee meet at Tav
Dennis will gather phone numbers and coordinate for those involved
(Committee-Dennis, Tami, Michael, Arcelia, Jim, LeighAnn, Marte,
Christopher, Suzanne, Jack, April)
Jack wants Dennis to contact Colin (the person in charge of booths at the local farmer’s market) before having committee meeting
Other ways to make money-Ask for residents, restaurants and businesses to donate a fee
Arcelia- Ask establishments to set out a collection jar for the patrons
Machine out of order until we get the screen in place
Dennis crushed the most glass!
Respectfully submitted by April Sheeley